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Terms and Conditions 条款和条件

1. I hereby represent and warrant that I meet all of the following eligibility requirements:


(i)(a) I am at least 18 years old and I have the full, complete and unrestricted right and authority to enter into any agreements or releases required for Hwashen Mid Autumn Edition 2024 (“the “Program”); or (b) if I am under 18 years of age and I have been legally emancipated, I will provide certified court documents establishing my status as an emancipated minor; or (c) if I am under 18 years of age and I have not been legally emancipated, my parent or legal guardian will provide a picture identification and proof of their relationship to me (e.g., driver’s license or passport and a birth certificate, guardianship papers, school records, etc.) and will sign various documents related to the Program upon Bite Me Entertainment ("Producer’s”) request, including, but not limited to documents granting his/her consent to my participation in the Program and releasing and indemnifying Producer and the Released Parties (as defined below). I understand that my parent or legal guardian (or a person designated by my parent or legal guardian) will be required to accompany me at all times during my participation in the Program.

(ii) I understand and agree that I will be required to compete on the Program prior to live shows. I have listed below the names of everyone I know, including but not limited to everybody in my immediate family, who is, or has been in the past two years, an officer, employee, agent, contractor, officer, director or representative of any of the following: (a) Producer, Bite Me Entertainment, or any of their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related entities, or any of their respective licensees, successors and assigns; (b) Bite Me Entertainment, or any of its parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related entities (including but not limited to Sears Lin & Associates), or any of their respective licensees, successors and assigns (c) and one or more of the television networks or platforms of (“Network”), any television network or station owned, operated by or affiliated with and/ or any of their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated or related entities, or any of their respective licensees, successors or assigns; (d) any television station or channel, cable network, or satellite network that may air or otherwise exhibit the Program or any variation thereof; (e) any person or entity involved in the development, production, distribution or other exploitation of the Program or any variation thereof; (f) any sponsor of the Program or its or their advertising agency; or (g) any person or entity supplying services or prizes to the Program. The entities described in the preceding sentence shall be referred to herein, individually and collectively, as the “Producer Entities”.
Producer, Bite Me Entertainment, and/or Network reserve the right to remove from the Program any person (including any member of the Act) Producer, Bite Me Entertainment, and/or Network determines, in their sole discretion, is sufficiently connected with the Program or any of the Producer Entities such that such person’s participation in the Program could create the appearance of impropriety. Conversely, Producer, Bite Me Entertainment and/or Network reserve the right to allow any person to remain part of the Program who may have a connection with the Program or any of the Producer Entities if, in Producer’s, Bite Me Entertainment's and/or Network’s sole discretion, they determine that such person’s involvement in the Program does not and will not affect the integrity of the Program. I will immediately notify Producer if any of my relatives, friends or acquaintances appear in or is in any other way involved in the production of the Program.

I understand and agree that Producer, Bite Me Entertainment, and Network have the sole discretion to make determinations of eligibility, and that they reserve the right to change any of the eligibility requirements at any time.

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